Wednesday, April 29, 2009


MasterStream Method!


Once an individual is equipped with the insights, tools, and techniques of the MasterStream Method and becomes skillful in its application, virtually every aspect of personal and professional life can be enhanced. From better managers, executives, and sales people - to better parents, teachers and therapists - MasterStream's applications are limitless.

What is MasterStream?

The MasterStream Method is based on 21 universal truths about human behavior and identifies productive tension as the critical ingredient in the decision making process. MasterStream focuses on teaching individuals how to monitor and manage the flow of productive tension during each step along the way.

The MasterStream Strategic Framework

MasterStream is considered by many as the "Program of Programs" - and enables its practitioners to integrate tools and techniques learned in other programs in the most logical and advantageous ways. As a result, they are more effective in their efforts to persuade others.

The MasterStream Method is delivered in a variety of formats, offering students Six Levels of Learning to choose from, based on the depth of understanding each desires. From the most casual of student to the most serious Certified MasterStream Instructor, the opportunity exists for everyone to learn MasterStream and apply it in countless situations they encounter every day.

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